About us

DNT Non Woven Fabrics, established in 2015, located in Alcalá la Real (Jaén) has five modern extrusion lines with the latest technology for the manufacture of Spunbond, Meltblown, SMS and Extrusion Coating nonwovens. In addition, it has a line of finishes and surface treatments.

About us, we are Committed to sustainability, we specialise in adding value through cutting-edge finishes and treatments, offering solutions aimed at a multitude of sectors. At DNT, we work to ensure that each product is synonymous with excellence and versatility.

Our figures

DNT Non Woven Fabrics is part of a consolidated business group made up of 8 companies whose activity is related to the parent company, Diseños NT.


of facilities


tonnes of annual production


ways of customisation


exporting countries


qualified employees


production sites


quality certifications


patents on extrusion technology

Our purpose


Our mission is to develop innovative and high-quality solutions in the nonwoven fabrics (TNT) industry, thinking about the end user and minimizing our environmental impact, from research and development to logistics and supply.


Our vision is to offer global benchmark products, standing out in quality, innovation and sustainability, and providing significant added value to the manufacturing of Nonwovens.


About us, Our values, applied throughout the production chain, are innovation, quality and sustainability. Innovation allows us to develop pioneering products to meet market needs. Quality guarantees high-performance, sustainable and superior quality products. Sustainability is reflected in converting waste into new resources and adopting practices that promote a circular economy, minimising our environmental impact.

Punto de partida

Fundación de Diseños NT. Diseño y Aplicaciones del No-Tejido S.L

Fundación de DNT Non Woven Fabrics

Abrimos nuestras instalaciones en Alcalá la Real (Jaén) con una moderna línea de extrusión de polipropileno (240cm) de última tecnología y unos valores marcados.

Nueva línea Spunbond

Introducción de nueva línea Spunbond con un ancho más versátil de 160m

Desarrollo de no tejido DNT Recycled Bond

No tejido Spunbond fabricado con 50-70% de material reciclado, un modelo de producción y consumo sostenible.

Meltblown y Extrusión Coating

Implementación de dos nuevas líneas de Meltblown y Extrusion Coating.


Implementación de una nueva línea de SMS, no tejido de mayor cubrición y con una barrera filtrante.


Promovemos la economía circular, optimización de recursos, reducción en el consumo de materias primas y aprovechamiento de los residuos.

Our history


Starting point
Founding of Diseños NT. Diseño y Aplicaciones del No-Tejido S.L. Grupo Diseños NT


Founding of DNT Non Woven Fabrics
We opened our facilities in Alcalá la Real (Jaén) with a modern polypropylene extrusion line (240cm) of the latest technology and with marked values. Clip Path Group 3


New Spundbond line
Introduction of a new Spunbond line with a more versatile width of 160m. Clip Path Group 3


Development of DNT Recycled Bond non-woven
Spunbond non-woven fabric made with 50-70% recycled material, a sustainable production and consumption model. Spunbond Recycled Bond


Meltblown and Extrusion Coating
Implementation of two new Meltblown and Extrusion Coating lines. Frame 8


SMS -> Spunmelt
Implementation of a new SMS line, a non-woven fabric with greater coverage and a filtration barrier. Clip Path Group 6


We promote the circular economy, optimization of resources, reduction in the consumption of raw materials, and the use of waste. Clip Path Group 7


Launch of DNT Agro
Non-woven line specialized in the agricultural sector, for the protection, biological and thermal control of crops. Clip Path Group 2


Birth of DNT Absorption
Industrial absorbents composed of non-woven fabric for spill control and surface cleaning. Capacity to absorb up to 20 times its weight, preventing the spread of hazardous substances and reducing environmental risks. Clip Path Group 1


Development of DNT Evolution non-woven
High-performance SMS non-woven. A choice that combines quality and sustainability, zero waste in each piece. New colors, less waste, better drape, more innovation, and more sustainable. Clip Path Group